MINUTES of the MEETING of the


Held in the Council Chamber, Follaton House, Totnes, on



Panel Members in attendance:

* Denotes attendance    Ø Denotes apology for absence        


Cllr B Cooper (Vice-Chairman)


Cllr S Jackson


Cllr S Dennis


Cllr L Lawford


Cllr A Dewynter


Cllr P Munoz


Cllr N Dommett


Cllr S Penfold


Cllr T Edie


Cllr A Presswell


Cllr J Hawkins (Chairman)


Cllr M Steele



Cllr Oram (substituting for Cllr Munoz)




Other Members also in attendance either in person or via Teams:

Cllrs Taylor, Abbott, Brazil and Hodgson and Cllrs Hopwood, O’Callaghan and Long (on MS Teams)


Item No

Minute Ref No below refers

Officers in attendance and participating



Director of Customer Service and Delivery, Director of Strategy and Governance, Assistant Director of Strategy and Organisational Development (on MS Teams), Senior Leisure Contracts Officer and Senior Democratic Services Officer


O&S.23/23     MINUTES

                        The minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 21 December 2023 were confirmed as a correct record, subject to the following change – Cllrs Long and Taylor were in attendance and to invite SWW and EA to overview and scrutiny in 12 months’ time. 



Members and officers were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered during the course of the meeting, but there were none made.


O&S.25/23     PUBLIC FORUM

In accordance with the Public Forum Procedure Rules, the Chairman informed that no questions had been received for consideration.




                        It was highlighted that the Fusion Contract would be going to the next Executive meeting.








                        The Chair welcomed Rob Taylor (Fusion Regional Manager) and Jon Parkinson (Senior Leisure Officer) and Clare Bill (Fusion Development Manager) on MS Teams to the meeting and provided a presentation to the committee.


            In response to questions raised, it was reported:

·            A Business Plan has been provided to the council on solar panels to be agreed by Executive.

·            With regard to Totnes active discussions were taking place on redevelopment plans but had been put on hold.  They were using a Leisure Consultant for further advice on the plans to check for robustness and affordability.

·            There were staffing issues at Dartmouth and were finding it difficult to recruit.

·            They have offered to train up a person as a lifeguard for free but were unable to find anyone.

·            They actively advertise for staff, hold community open days and use social media and current staff were multi-skilled.  Their longest serving members of staff started out as apprentices.

·            They have limited resource to offer outreach work for Woolwell but were happy to meet and discuss with the Ward member.

·            Concerning cleanliness at the leisure centres they undertake deep cleans at the centres and the Council undertake ad-hoc visits.

·            They liaise with schools and provide PTA’s raffle prizes to increase engagement.

·            Swimming Pool Support Fund would be announced shortly.

·            Support Fund Round 2 would be announced shortly.

·            They were trying to ensure leisure centres were sustainable despite the rising costs.

·            Parking fees would need to be addressed by the council.

·            They encourage residents to attend ‘Meet the Manager sessions’ to provide feedback and highlight any concerns.

            It was then:



                        That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the contents and progress of Fusion’s Annual Report for 2023 and proposals for 2024.




            The Chair welcomed Ian Luscombe (Head of Environmental Health and Licensing) and Claire Birch (Senior Environmental Health Officer) to meeting.  Cllr Dewynter as Lead Member introduced the report.


            In response to questions raised, it was reported:

·         With regard to drugs and knife crime they were ensuring that they had good intelligence to act upon.  This intelligence was driven by members representing the communities highlighting the issues.  At the next priority setting meeting they would be looking at the wider issues and allocate resources. 

·         There was an opportunity for Members to feed into priority setting meetings which has huge representation from the police and community police.

·         ASB Officer works in the community and working alongside the police on neighbourhood issues. 

·         They attend fortnightly meetings with the police and discuss high risk cases.

·         If a person breaches a Community Protection Warning they could then serve a notice and if that was breached, then a fixed penalty or criminal prosecution.

·         Next Priority Setting Meeting taking place in early March.


            It was then:



                        That the Committee:

                                    1. Acknowledge the work of the Community Safety Partnership                    (CSP).

                                    2. Encourages Members to take part in the annual priority setting process to reflect the priorities in their communities.

                                    3.  Invite the police to attend a future meeting with the CSP.




            Membership and meetings to be set up for Fusion Task and Finish and     Housing Lettings Task and Finish.


            EA and SW Water Research Task and Finish Group to meet to discuss next steps.


            To look at Care Leavers Task and Finish raised at the last Executive meeting.


O&S.30/23    ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME 2023/24


The Committee agreed the following items for the work programme:


·         Homelessness and housing

·         Move the 2 May meeting to 9 May 2024

                   (Meeting started at 2.00 pm and concluded at 3.46 pm)



